Well, to say the least, 2008 has already proven to be a great year. Definitely crazy at times, but i'm feeling renewed and refreshed and ready to move forward. The whole "soundtrack to my life" refers to the wonderful gift that my friend james just gave me. I came home the other day to a package that contained cd's that james had burned me for my upcoming trip to Hawaii (figuring i'd need some tuneage for the plane ride.) It's probably the coolest thing I have ever received and i literally freaked out when i got it. I think James was a little scared of my reaction. But it was so cool, because music is everything to me, and a part of my daily life, and the songs and the albums that he gave me really touched me and meant a lot to me. My choice pick from one of the mix cd's was "box of rain" by the grateful dead. Now, not only is this my favorite dead song, but it reminds me of the show freaks and geeks, (if you all remember that show??) and lindsay, the main character, puts on the american beauty album and rocks out to box of rain in her room. and that was kind of a pivotal moment in the show, and a point of letting go and moving on. and the other day, when i was dealing with all of my car dilemmas, FINALLY!, i was listening to that song and really feeling like i was letting go of things from the past and clearing the way ahead. As insignificant as it all could seem, these past few days have allowed me to breathe easier and feel a little lighter. peace and love to all in 2008!~
*Ganesh (pictured above) is the God of knowledge and the remover of obstacles. Take time to listen to your heart and hear what you are holding inside, and begin to release it. Clear the way for the good stuff! Namaste!