Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The New Year brings New Projects to Duluth.

As the new year approaches, we become that much closer to finishing our first album! It feels as if it's been a lenghy process, seeing how I left the area for 4 months and put the project on hold and now we are just saving our dimes and pennys to finish the last few steps.
I have been so inpspired by other local musicans to get this project to its final stage and ready for disdribution. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by creative, artistic, thoughtful minds that are constantly putting their art forward.  We live in a city that is alive with authentic individuals who keep me inspired!
We will be booking some new shoes in the New Year as our album gets closer to being finalized and even more when we are ready to promote it! So stay tuned and continue to create, Duluth!

Much Love,

Next of Kin..xoxo

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