Diablo Cody is a writer from Minneapolis and i just picked up her book Candy Girl: a year in the life of an unlikely stripper. She's frickin' hilarious! The way she describes Minnesota is so funny and true. "Everyone's favorite supper is a gluey carbohydrate-rich concoction simply known as "hotdish." That's one observation that is purely Minnesota that left me in stitches. I have practically finished the book in two days, literally could not put it down. If you are in the mood for some raunchy, blunt humor, this is the book for you. She has also written a screenplay for a movie that comes out this Christmas called Juno. I've seen previews and it looks really cute and funny. So keep your eyes out for that one. This chick makes me want to a.) write about things and myself exactly as i see them, b.) be a badass chick! and c.)no, not strip... but tap into those parts of myself that i'm scared of but interested in what could be. So, there's my monthly book review. Now that i'm working at Barnes and Noble again, I'll have much more to read and be more up to date on the current prints. Peace out y'all.
One more thing. If you were wondering what "porn-shui" was, it refers the the art of posistioning oneself in one's office or cubicle so that one can surf porn undetected. Usage: "I have great porn-shui; I face the hallway and the desk behind me is vacant."
(experpt from Candy Girl.) enjoy!~
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