So, the christmas season is upon us once again. and let me tell you, you have not witnessed the true meaning of the christmas spirit until you have worked retail for the holidays. as most of you know, i am working back at the old barnes and noble for the holiday season. my hiadus did me well, because i was able to pick up the pieces of my self-esteem that were shattered by last years' holiday shoppers. i am in good spirits, even when crotchity old ladys try to rush me so they can catch the bus in time to get the good seats. i'm really working on centering myself and staying calm, even in the face of the crazed shoppers. but in the end, i'm only human, and can only take so much of this crazy shit! and i'll be oh so glad to have five days off right before christmas... and that's when the real winners come in and blame you for their special orders not being here and making you feel that you single-handedly ruined their family's christmas. i choose not to buy into the guilt that some so heavily lay on me, and instead go to the breakroom, stuff my face with holiday cookies and bitch to my co-workers. only once in my retail history did i ever cry. this year i'm in a much better place, so far so good! merry christmas to all, and to all that cross me this holiday season....f**k off! i'm in no mood!
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