So, i'm up at eagles nest selling gift certificates today, and i'm a little bored and tired. so i figure, why not blog? anyhoo, i'm sure you'd all be interested to hear that a plumber came to the house today and unclogged our bathroom sink and tub. it's fantastic to take a shower and not have to wade in your own filth at the same time. so, that's pretty cool, i guess. also, i was kind of rushing to leave this morning and was brushing my teeth and washing my face at the same time, and totally got toothpaste in my eye.... not cool. so, here i am now, just surfin' the web, checking stuff out, eating a lot and not moving much. hope everyone's day is as eventful as mine. ciao!
p.s. friday is the winter solstice and to celebrate, i'm going to a medford show up the shore. should be a blast. the boys are sounding fantastic with their new lineup.
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